MAY 15, 2016
From the Grounds…….
WOW……….this great spring weather has allowed us to be able to provide unbelievably great conditions for this time of the year and we are set to have another outstanding year on the golf course. The great weather only plays a part in having the golf course in good shape. Bill, Dave, Jim, and the rest of the grounds crew have been doing a tremendous job keeping the course up to par so when you see them around, thank them for all their hard work.
In all our efforts to provide ongoing great conditions we can only do so much and we need you, the golfer, to help us out. Please make sure you’re repairing ball marks, replacing and filling divots, leaving rakes in the waste areas and keeping golf carts well away from the greens while playing our great facility. It may not sound like much but if everyone did this; our course might be in even better shape than it is now.
Once again, if there are any questions or if anyone would like more information on what we do in the grounds department, please call us, I would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.
Good Golfing
Jeff Bennett
Golf Course Superintendent